Srinivas Arka commenced the Self Awareness module of the programme, organised by the Centre for Conscious Awareness Spain, with a few anecdotes about his life.
He started very young to observe everything around him, drawing conclusions to the point of guessing things about people’s lives by simply observing the shoes of those people. If they were worn more on one side than on the other.
He spoke again about the importance of humility that opens all doors … and that when you think you know something, nature is responsible for showing us that we still lack knowledge to deepen that belief and thus also nature it helps us to be more humble despite our achievements and progress.
In this talk Srinivas Arka showed us again his great humility and wisdom. He assured us that telepathy exists and for this he carried out several experiments with positive results. We use intuition very little and it really is very important since it is the mother of intelligence.
If used more, we would go much more directly on the right path in this life full of obstacles and difficulties for which we have the best tool to avoid them.
The programme was ended with a simple demonstration of the sounds of intuitive meditation developed by him: Saaroomgoovaum. A divine sound that must be practiced often to perfect it and to achieve through it positive results in our body and in our spirit …